Saturday 26 April 2014

Approve Google Adsense Steps To Sucess

Most Of the peoples arround the globe does not have enough knowledge about IT,They prefer to work physically and earn their lively hood,but some peoples which gets retired to their jobs wanted to earn the same or more money than they earn in performing their office jobs so the peoples searches on internet about many ways to earn money but 95 % of them are scam and when they gets involved in it thet fells very dishearted as same as i did i lost much of my money by spending it on internet and trying to achieve a good job but i failed then my friend told me that he is earning a lot of money just by sitting a home,he adviced me to use adsense ,Adsense is a kind of ad monetization program launched by the helop  of publisher and Advertisers ,the advertisers wanted to increase their revenue so they got invloved in google adsense ,nowadays i google is being popular day by day so it's all the branches are gaining ground in the whole world of internet.


Google adsense is being a source of earning money in the world,in the starting the google approved all the persons who applied for google adsense but now a days because of increasing number of scams the google has made its policies very tougher to approve a google adsense account now the person need to work more hard to approve his adsense account to start to post HTML ad codes on his page,Now the google demands a high class quality content so that the persons who surfs the website having ads does not becomes bore of the website and ignore or leave it

Some important points before applying to google adsense are described briefly as below:-


 Your Blog must be attractive to others try to make a blog with good theme and area for ads shoud be separated,try to choose blogger if you cannot afford a separate domain for you which requires a high monthly or yearly rent but chances of getting approved will be increased


Google no more approves the copyright content material which you copies from some sites and pastes it on your blog or website,Try to upload your genuine content which will be helpful for you


Your page should have a good number of content so this will make google easier to verify your data and approve your account.


Try to  promote your page as much as you can,try to use google adwords which is a relevant source of bringing traffic to your sites or try to promote your site by youtube,dailymotion or bla bla.... :)


The age of a blog is also a hard matter if  you have a blog with quality content then try to wait 6 months minimum and then apply for google adsense by going to



Now pray to god and apply for adsense and see what happens :)


Note:-These Steps Worked For Me And Should Work For You ,If You Have Another trick then dont hesitate to comment below the blog

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